Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tobacco Potentially as antiseptic

Teams of students Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Natural Sciences), Bogor Agricultural University, through a study found the use of tobacco plants nonrokok innovation. The research team headed by Riska Ayu Purnamasari managed to find the potential of tobacco as a killer germ extract or antiseptic.
"Our research is proving the antimicrobial extracts of tobacco to be applied as an antiseptic. It is as an effort to find common ground that can benefit any health-related elements of society and culture grow tobacco," he said.

According to Riska, tobacco extract compounds that are identified as testing antimicrobials against several strains of microbes. Several studies have demonstrated the antimicrobial properties of tobacco extracts against E coli and S aureus and P aeruginosa.

"Tobacco extract has potential in inhibiting the growth of bacteria E coli and S aureus. The results indicate that extracts the ethanol extraction of essential oil of tobacco is the most widely extracts obtained during the extraction process carried out and the most effective to inhibit bacterial growth," he said.
He explained that the minimum growth inhibitory concentration of essential oil extracts of 10 percent demonstrates the inhibitory essential oil of tobacco is quite large, and results in a topical test showed significant differences between the situation before and after smeared.

Tobacco extract antimicrobial activity assay performed using compounds extracted, including essential oils, alkaloid compounds, and polyphenol compounds. Each extract is injected into the medium Nutrient Agar (NA) containing the test bacteria E coli and S aureus.

Clear zone formed around the well hole diffusion is the response of active antimicrobial extract in inhibiting bacterial growth. The result is known that the dilution of volatile as much as 10 percent have a fairly good inhibitory power according to the method of Davis-Stout.

Then, to see the potential of tobacco leaf extract as an antiseptic antiseptic potency test is performed through organoleptic tests with topical methods. Topical method performed on the five panelists. Panelists are dry palms smeared on Petri dishes containing PCA medium. Panelists then wash hands using extracts of tobacco and 70 percent ethanol as a positive control.

Diet to make better sperm

Sperm quantity and agility are essential for a male fertility condition. Especially for those who want to have offspring, sperm swim faster and the polynomial is one absolute requirement to be met.

Through recent studies, experts advise, to meet two conditions, each man should keep his diet pattern. Poor dietary habits such as eating fatty foods can actually disrupt fertility.
The study found that men with higher levels of trans fatty acid intake had the lowest average sperm concentration up to two times compared with other men. Men with a healthy diet has an average of 79 million sperm per milliliter, while those with high levels of fat transnya only 48 million per mL.
Researchers who wrote this research, Audrey Gaskins PhD from Harvard School of Public Health, explains, trans fat that accumulates in the body and kills the possibility of pressing the sperm cells slowly.

In an other research, the experts also examined the quality of cement 188 students. The results showed that students who undergo a healthy diet such as eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and legumes have motility (movement speed of the sperm to the egg) are better than students who are less healthy diet such as eating fast food or snacking on pizza. This healthy student category average of 7 percent higher motility compared with peers who are less healthy diets.
"A healthy diet with more foods from plants contain antioxidants tend to be higher. Oxidative stress can weaken the sperm, but to consume high antioxidant foods that can keep the quality of cement," said Gaskins.

The easiest way to improve dietary patterns, Gaskins continued, is to start leaving the consumption of prepared foods tend to be high trans fat content, but low in antioxidants. To increase the intake of antioxidants, introduce more fruit and vegetable consumption and implement a Mediterranean diet rich in fish oil and olive oil.

Contact Lenses Infections

Avoid buying contact lens without a prescription. Inappropriate use can cause eye infections and even blindness.
In developed countries like the United States, including contact lenses in medical devices regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Purchasing contact lenses without a prescription is illegal in the country.

However, currently on the market we can easily obtain a decorative contact lenses that can give special effects on the eyes. Decorative contact lenses correct vision is not functioning but could change the color of the eyeball and even make it like a cat.

Of particular concern is the decorative contact lenses that are not listed. "Contact lenses are not exactly cover the eyeball or made of materials that are not safe can cause injury and infection in the eye, even blindness," said Dr.Thomas Steinemann, associate professor of ophthalmology or eye health professional.
He said have treated 14-year-old girl who suffered blindness or an infection in medical language Pseudomonas aeruginosa, after wearing contact lenses without a prescription.
"Infection takes place very rapidly, within 24 hours. Fortunately, he was immediately taken to the hospital. Infection successfully treated but the cornea has a scar that he had to undergo corneal transplantation so as not to blind," he said.

Stinemann reminded that in our hands and faces there are many bacteria. Wearing contact lenses without a hygiene can lead to infection.
"If we buy contact lenses with a prescription, he will educate users how to wear contact lenses and clean them so that the lenses remain sterile," he explained.