Sunday, November 27, 2011

factors that reduce the capacity of listening

A recent study, about 1 from 5 Americans aged over 12 years suffering from hearing loss. Most of they are not even realize their the sense of hearing capacity reduced.

"Hearing loss happen gradually over so people who experienced it become familiar and feel nothing is wrong because the process was very slow," said Dr.Frank R. Lin, who conducted this research.

Despite the risk of hearing loss will increase with age, but those young does not mean free from these risks. Approximately 0.5 percent of men early 20s known to have a hearing loss, while 2.5 percent of men aged 30 years and 9 percent of men aged 40 years also experienced it.

According to Lin men are more vulnerable to hearing loss than women. "This happened because most who worked in construction and industry are men. They are more frequently exposed to loud noises causing hearing loss," he explained.

The Noise induced cause the hearing loss in many case. Usually occurs due to exposure to loud noise (greater than 90 decibels) continuously during many years. This loud sound vibrations will damage the hair cells in the cochlea in the inner ear block electrical impulses that reach the listening nerve.

  A study showed that the hormone estrogen in a woman's body part to protect the inner lining of the ear so that the the sense of hearing women are more resistant.

  According to Lin there are several signs recognizable as a symptom of hearing loss, such noise is heard no more clear or perbincaraan difficulty hearing in noisy environments. "consult a doctor," he said.

  Although the the sense of hearing you are in prime condition at this time, there's no harm in starting to protect themselves to prevent hearing loss in the future. Begin by shrinking the volume of the earphones. When other people around you can listen to music that comes from your music player, it means that the volume is too loud.

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