Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Here's How Pornography is Damaging Male Libido

This is a warning for men who were enamored of pornography. Recent studies show, or watch habits accessing porn sites at a young age it can be very detrimental to the sexual life in adulthood.

The latest report of the experts who are members of the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine stated, many men who have accessed pornography from an early age (around age 14) experiencing libido disorder at the age of 20. They are addicted to pornography every day so that decreased sexual desire, even up to not be able to erect.

Like the Italian news agency ANSA reported, this conclusion is based on the results of studies involving 28 000 respondents. According to experts, disorders experienced by these men can be categorized as sexual anorexia.

In the eyes of counselors and psychologists Marnia Robinson, author of Cupid's Poisoned Arrow: From Habits to Harmony in Sexual Relationships, the phenomenon of men addicted to pornography is not new.

According to him, not a few men are currently experiencing problems libido because it was caught in pornography. Robinson, who along with her husband Gary Wilson make the site www.yourbrainonporn.com, states, this phenomenon can be seen from hundreds of discussion threads on the site where The access from 25 countries acknowledged having sexual problems and symptoms of this disorder.

"Many young people today grow up with access to high speed internet pornography. Survey (in Italian) This fits with what we have monitored for years that these men experiencing symptoms of addiction," Robinson said.

This fact, according to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, has placed pornography become as one of the triggers of addiction that needs to be addressed. In the definition of which was released in April mentioned, any behavior that are rewarded or reward and is not limited to goods can lead to addiction or addiction, including "sexual activity".

"This is what we call the process of addiction," said David Smith, MD, former president of the American Society of Addiction Medicine and author of Your Brain unchain.

"The evidence shows, you can become addicted to dopamine. Behavior such as pornography, eating or gambling dopamine release and all of these hormones can lead to addiction. That is why we include it in the new definition," explained Smith.

According to Wilson, the Internet will make access to pornography has become very easy, making it easier to connect the brain with a kind of visual stimulus. This new kind of pornography will accelerate spending hormone dopamine, but also can cause a person dependent and unable to achieve satisfaction.

"Therefore, when they're in bed with a partner with the dark lighting conditions, they will not get a visual stimulus that they need so that can not do it," said Robinson.

However, this sexual disorder can still be addressed through therapy. According to Robinson, the time to cure anorexia sekual on each individual varies.

"For adult men take about eight weeks for healing therapies. Lelaku But for young, at the age of 20 who are addicted to pornography it takes 3 to 4 months because they are not connected with a real touch of pairs and when they were young," he said.

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